Jeep Vehicle Registration (Mardi Gras! Galveston)
Details, Rules, & Regulations
Each Jeep driver and riders will be given a wristband upon arrival allowing them entrance into the Downtown Entertainment District for Saturday, February 23, 2019 (MAXIMUM OF 4 WRISTBANDS PER JEEP)
The most decorated Jeep will receive 4 balcony tickets for Saturday, February 23rd. Jeeps must return to Pier 21 to find out which vehicle won the most decorated contest. If the winning jeep does not return to the pier after the parade they will forfeit the prize and the next best-decorated Jeep will receive the balcony party tickets.
All passengers must be properly seated. No passing of Jeeps will be allowed.
As the parade passes the corner of 21st and Strand, each entry will be judged based on the most decorated jeep cart.
No trailers or floats allowed
No glass, coolers, or weapons will be allowed.
ALL entries MUST be decorated
Any signage displayed on Jeep must be approved by Yaga’s Entertainment and may not conflict with official Mardi Gras! Galveston sponsors.
The parade will begin at 3 pm. Jeeps will begin staging at Pier 21 at 2 pm. Be ready to roll at 3 pm. Judging numbers will be handed out at the staging area before the parade.
The parade will enter the district and make two laps before exiting the same way.
If you did not register by February 15, 2019, please bring your entry fee and the completed application to Pier 21 day of the event.
Please click and download our Release form and email back to Thank you!
Registration & Payment